十代の演奏家シリーズ Vol.20 森本隼太


"Shunta Morimoto was born in BEAUTY in the lovely city of Kyoto. This sense of beauty flows into his music. PEACE, FRIENDSHIP and KINDNESS is the essence of his character. HARD WORK is the ethic and discipline that he has been taught. LOVE can be felt in every note he plays. A wonderful human being!"
William Grant Nabore


"I am happy to witness the birth of a new star of the Japanese pianism Shunta Morimoto! From the very first notes of his first round performance during the Hastings International Piano Concerto Competition in the UK, it became clear to me that we had an extraordinary musical talent that has a great potential to become a winner. I am very glad that I was not mistaken in my assessment of this young sincere extraordinary musician and I hope that we will be able to hear him in major concert halls around the world."
Stanislav Ioudenitch
Professor of Park University and Oberlin Conservatory of Music
Vice President of the International Piano Academy Lake Como, Italy
Gold Medalist of the 11th Van Cliburn International Piano Competition

森本隼太さんは、偉大なヴィルトゥオーゾとしての真の才能と、聴き手に深い感動を与える感性とを併せ持っています。 なんという音楽家でしょうか!

"Mr. SHUNTA MORIMOTO has real talent of a great virtuoso and a sensitivity which gives the audience a deep and lasting impression. What a musician !
Every time I listened to him I was both impressed and moved. I am sure that Japan is proud of him."
Dag Achatz
Professor at the Geneva and Lausanne conservatoires and at the International Piano Academy Lake Como. Italy
"Shunta Morimoto is one of the greatest musical talents of our times. Despite his young age he is an accomplished artist with limitless possibilities! I hope to have a chance to hear him soon again to be mesmerised by his magic! "
Henri Sigfridsson
Professor of Folkwang University of the Arts, Germany
Winner of the Beethoven International Piano Competition (Bonn) and Franz Liszt International Piano Competition (Weimar)